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Masters such as LI Hongzhi can perceive many spaces beyond the physical universe perceived by most humans, such as the Bardos. ALL SPACES contains each of the Many-Worlds of Quantum Theory. Quantum Communication of INFORMATION among the Many Worlds, crudely represented above as paths, such as the red path and the green path, may be possible. Each World, such as for example the red path, contains many more universes than the physical universe perceived by most humans. For example, at a point of the red path, new universes (indicated crudely by blue and yellow) can branch off from the red one. What we call Cosmology is the study of the evolution of our physical (blue) universe from the present time back to (almost) the time of its branching off from its predecessor (red) universe. As our (red) predecessor universe itself is a branch of its predecessor, and so on, what humans regard as our physical universe is only a small reconstructed branch of a branch of a branch ... , not to mention all the other Many-Worlds in ALL SPACES. Thus, despite its pretentious name, Cosmology is really NOT an all-encompassing theory. Its limitations indicate the limitations of human capabilities. However, the way our physical (blue) universe has developed, with an early inflationary phase, followed a phase transition at the end of inflation, followed by electroweak symmetry breaking to our present phase, seems to have been anticipated by earlier cultures: For instance: The ancient Chinese hermit Ryu played his iron flute in the reverse direction to create the universe, and the non-zero cosmological term in the inflationary phase is mathematically equivalent to a negative pressure, which is what you need to play a flute backwards. (See "The World is Sound: Nada Brahma" by Joachim-Ernst Berendt, Destiny (1987, 1991), p. 170) Also: According to the 16th century Lurianic Kabbala, there are three stages in the creation and evolution of our universe: tzimtzum (contraction or withdrawal) in which God as the Infinite (En Sof) withdraws into himself in order to make room for the creation, which occurs by a beam of light from the Infinite into the newly provided space (like the inflationary phase); shevirat ha-kelim ("breaking of the vessels") in which the divine light is enclosed in finite "vessels," most of which break under the strain, and the catastrophe of the "breaking of the vessels" occurs (like electroweak symmetry breaking); and tiqqun ("restoration") in which the divine realm itself is reconstructed, the divine sparks returned to their source, and primordial harmony is restored. The tiqqun phase of the Lurianic Kabbala lies in our future. (See the Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.) For more about how structures used in the laws of physics appeared in older human cultures, see Halayudha, Hexagons, Hypercubes, Hermes and Plato.
The range of energies covered by present-day human theories of physics, such as the D4-D5-E6 model, does not extend to the range of Planck energy physics. The next step beyond the LHC in exploring high energies may be a ___2x2 TeV Muon-Muon Collider. Human understanding of condensed matter physics cannot explain the phenomena known as Cold Fusion and Sonoluminescence. Sonoluminescence does not occur in all liquids. Water seems to be special. The interaction of electric fields and water produces filaments within the water and quantum phenomena of superradiance and self-induced tranparency. In pure water with gas bubbles, the filaments may radiate outwardly into the water from the spherical surface of a gas bubble. As the bubble collapses, the filaments would be pushed closer together, and the Casimir effect described by Schwinger and Chodos could combine with superradiance and self-transparency to produce sonoluminescent radiation. In water containing biomolecules, the quantum phenomena cause the filaments to grow into microtubules. Microtubules in the brain may be the basis of human consciousness. They may operate according to the principles of Quantum Computers. The internet is an example of the present-day limitations of the extent of human transportation and communication.
HUMAN EXPANSION beyond the vicinity of Earth raises some questions: Were, as theorized by Hoyle and Narlikar, the molecular precursors to human life seeded on earth by Comets? Do there exist near-human, but higher level, civilizations in our galaxy? If so, do they travel physically (like Star Trek spaceships), or by laser-beam (like Star Trek transporters and holodecks)? If they use laser communications, do they use short-wave (gamma-ray) lasers and gravitational focussing by stars? If so, would that produce a galaxy-wide network of intermittent gamma-ray beams, with those transmissions using our Sun as a gravitational lens looking like Gamma Ray Bursts?
ARCHETYPES in the human mind may help humans understand the relationships among the various levels. AT LEVELS BELOW THE PLANCK ENERGY, in the realm of validity of the D4-D5-E6 physics model, a useful archetype may be the geometrical structure of a generalized torus whose equator is the 7-sphere S7. It is S7 x S1 , the product of a 7-sphere S7 and a circle S1. It is a generalized torus because it is NOT the 8-dim torus T8, but when projected into lower dimensions it looks like the 2-torus T2 = S1 x S1. Here is a stereo image of the 2-torus, generated by the program 3D-Filmstrip for Macintosh by Richard Palais. You can see the stereo with red-green or red-cyan 3D glasses. The program is on the WWW at If the horizontal equatorial S1 is expanded to S7, you have S7 x S1, the octonionic structure used in the D4-D5-E6 model to describe 8-dimensional spacetime. If the horizontal equatorial S1 is expanded to S3, you have S3 x S1, which can describe our 4-dimensional spacetime. If the vertical S1 is taken to be time, flowing upwards, then our 3-dimensional space evolves as indicated roughly by this (730 k) binhexed QuickTime movie. Played in loop mode, it shows evolution through a large-scale closed timelike loop. Another useful low-energy archetype may be the 24-cell, the 4-dimensional regular polytope shown in this stereo view of a 3-D projection (from C program by Michael Gibbs) The 4th dimension is color-coded by blue = +, green = 0, and red = -. Click here for 742k animation (It can be played in a loop.) NOTE that this projection of a 24-cell contains a 3-dimensional cuboctahedron which Fuller called a vector equilibrium and regarded as a fundamental archetype. The 24-cell tiles 4-dimensional space with a tiling that is useful in understanding the Octonion Mirrorhouse. Professor Koji Miyazaki at Kyoto has done much work on such archetypes, including their long history in Asian civilizations. AT THE PLANCK ENERGY LEVEL, useful algebraic structures are the octonions and the sedenions. The 240-vertex Witting polytope is the 8-dimensional counterpart of the 24-cell. The 7-dimensional exotic spheres have as 3-dimensional counterparts the Poincare Dodecahedral Space. Its visualization in terms of platonic solids is a useful archetype. It has been illustrated (as above) by Richard Hawkins and by Gerald de Jong, who call it a Mayan Time Star. The natural fractal structure of octonions has been studied by Onar Aam and by Girish Joshi. AT LEVELS ABOVE THE PLANCK ENERGY, a useful archetype may be the n-dimensional simplex, the high-dimensional version of the 1, 2, and 3 dimensional line, triangle, and tetrahedron as well as the 4 dimensional pentahedron. WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION ON ALL LEVELS, a useful archetype may be the 24-dimensional Leech lattice, currently being studied by Geoffrey Dixon, that is related to the extended Golay code G24 and the Monster finite simple group, a group of order 2^46 3^20 5^9 7^6 11^2 13^3 17 19 23 29 31 41 47 59 71, or about 8 x 10^53. The Monster is naturally represented on a space of 196,884 dimensions, which can be broken down into 196,560 + 300 + 24. Since 300 = 25x24/2 is the symmetric square of 24, and since the Leech lattice discrete nearest-neighbor sphere has 196,560 points, and since IF the 196,560 points form a group, just as the 240 of an E8 lattice form unit octonions and as the 24 of a D4 lattice form unit quaternions then it should be possible to form the 196,560 dimensional space of the group algebra of the Leech lattice nearest-neighbor group, and then add the 300-dim space of symmetric squared Leech lattice, and then add the 24-dim space of the Leech lattice itself, to get the 196,884-dim representation space of the Monster. By going down to the underlying 24-dim Leech lattice space, it should be possible to represent the Monster on the 24-dim space of the Leech lattice. Not having a 24-dim or 196,560-dim or 196,884-dim picture, here is a Penrose tiling that is a low-dimensional slice thereof:

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